written by Ruslan Kiyashko on 22 July 2020

July 20, 2020 – Beautiful Britney Posing At Home

@britneyspears Who would have thunk it ?!?! After all this time in my life I’m just now learning that no makeup is the way to go …. I mean …. a little makeup is fun but after spending so much time in hair and makeup chairs to look flawless …. I think a natural look is the way to go …. it makes you look waaaay younger and so much better !!!! Pssss YES …. I know I’m wearing mascara in this !!!!


written by Ruslan Kiyashko on 30 April 2020

Instagram post by Britney Spears: April 29, 2020

@britneyspears It was an accident
but yes …. I burnt it down. I walked past the door to the gym and flames BOOM !!!!!! By the Grace of God the alarm went off after that and yippy hoorah nobody got hurt. Unfortunately now I have only two pieces of equipment left lol and a one-sided mirror gym !!!!! But it could be much worse so I’m grateful. Pssss I like working out better outside anyways !!!!

DOWNLOAD VIDEO: Gym session by Britney

DOWNLOAD VIDEO: Britney has deleted this video

written by Ruslan Kiyashko on 30 April 2020

Instagram post by Britney Spears: April 29, 2020

@britneyspears I have been quarantining since I got back from Louisiana weeks ago …. so basically I haven’t seen my boyfriend @samasghari in what feels like a lifetime !!!! I have actually lost weight from missing him …. now none of my pants or shorts fit !!!!! Guess that’s what missing someone can do …. who else is experiencing this ????!

I’m not really sure how to express in words how happy I am to find solitude in my beautiful home every day !!!! It’s like a dream …. I hope you are all staying safe and playing your part ….. GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!!

I have oranges, lemons, berries, and rosemary on my shirt …… what more can I ask for ??????



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